Friday, 6 February 2009

Last Weeks Filming - Session Two...

We had another filming session on Friday. There was no problem this time with getting the hang of the camera etc.

We focused more this time on Jes (babysitter/actress) walking upstairs to go and check on the child, and inside the room. We also filmed the reaction of the babysitter as well.

Here we were looking over what we had already filmed. We made sure not to "cross the line"!

Again, we slightly altered our ideas and decided to film from outside, looking inside the room as if watching the babysitter look around the room - point of view camera angle. As we were upstairs, we needed to somehow get outside, Vickie has a cool window, she sat on the window ledge and clung onto the window frame in the middle! Filmed from there, it worked really well.
We spent quite a lot of time trying out different ways of the babysitter walking up the stairs, and where to put the camera. By filming the shot in many ways we had a good choice on what way to use, we could get advice from other people in the class and teachers also :)

Anyway, we still have another session to do, where once again I will update on pictures and news on our latest filming antics!

Last Weeks Filming..!

Last Week..we started the filming. I think we had all forgotten how long it takes to film a short clip of film! Despite this, we had a lot of fun, as well as working hard ;)

It's not unusual to come across slight blips/flaws in the plan, we didn't thoroughly think through how we would drag the camera and pan around into the living we brainstormed...

Yes, we decided to put the camera and tripod on a rug and ask Leah, a fellow group member to drag the carpet along the wooden floor. It worked well, although we had some troubles getting the camera, tripod and rug over the threshold of the door! But it worked in the end.

Adjusting the tripod! The legs were wonky...

We needed to set the camera and tripod up at the exact point where the camera would merge through the door. This is us attempting it!
Last week was the week we did most of the filming downstairs, the zooming onto the babysitters face..the view from outside the house, looking into the window and seeing Jess (actress).
It took us a while to get set up and to get into the swing of things again, but after a few takes we were on a roll! We filmed the shots a few different ways so we had a choice when it came to digitalising and editing our film.

I will update with more pictures and news from the next filming session :)

Monday, 2 February 2009

Further Importance of the Internet...


Its all very exciting... but how did we all know there was a snow day?
Sometimes the schools ring your home and tell you, but by speaking to a lot of people today, while sledging, I realised that most of them found out from the school website.
It is so easy to access, and it can be updated easily, hence how we all found out so early in the morning that instead of doing work, we could be making snow angels in the snow :)
More and more people are using the internet everyday, and to what extent will it go to in the future?
Got addicted to Youtube again the other day, was watching a song on youtube, and on the related videos, it came up with all these things, and through link, after link, after link, I found myself on something completely irrelevent to what I had originally typed into the search bar.

Also, I have been watching a lot of trailers for TV series, for example, Skins, Gossip Girl and Hustle. They are my favourites at the moment. But I was watching trailers for them, oncemore, I got carried away and ended up on the "bloopers" or "outtakes" of the shows. Just shows how the internet can steal two hours of your life without you even noticing, and correct me if im wrong, but I don't think thats a good thing!

Skins Trailer: