I have come across some quite interesting things, stories, and facts about the media.
Some think that everyone is slowly becoming addicted and almost brainwashed by Twitter. I haven't had the priviledge of visiting the website, or having a go on it at all, and to be honest, I don't intend to. I think it's just another Facebook waiting to happen, and I'm already addicted to that!

I think it is quite worrying that anyone can see what anyone is seeing, and easily get information about them, I know this may be the case for sites such as Facebook, and Bebo, but if you are careful, you can prevent this! Promise!
Anyway, so I was looking on this site "Mashable" and came across this link, that linked to Twitter:
The headline caught my eye, "HOW TO: Find a Job on Twitter." .... Find a job on Twitter?! This is another example that backs up the point of society quickly becoming brainwashed by the media, and especially the internet. Before, people would go to the job centre, or go into shops themselves and ask, then it changed to looking in newspapers for jobs, its gone so far into the media now.
Although I think that this concept is a little ridiculous, I also think it is a good idea, since reading the article online myself... I felt strongly about this point, and decided I'm actually rather for this new Twitter Job Campaign... :
"Tough economic times call for innovative approaches. An estimated 51 million people internationally are expected to lose their jobs in 2009, and with the unemployment rate on the rise, how does one find career opportunities fast? One great option is Twitter.
Twitter is evolving as another resource, in addition to traditional methods, for both job searching and recruiting."
It's true, Twitter is evolving as another resource, and the increasing number of people who are joining Twitter, for various reasons, increases peoples chances of getting in touch with people who could, potentially, offer them a job through internet interaction. The article also gives advice to Twitter users!...
Make your Twitter presence “employer-friendly”
So, overall, I think there are fair advantages to this Twitter-becoming-a-job-centre idea, however, many disadvantages come attatched as well. Reading the article has made me think about how everything that used to be done the "old-fashioned" way, becoming more modernised, (internet!) could be a good thing after all.
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